QA Bowling spol sr.o.
We are the exclusive distributor for QubicaAMF for Czech and Slovak Republic and have a team of professional and dedicated employees ready to work with you to meet your specific business needs.
District Sales Manager

Petr Zachariáš
District Sales Manager, Czech Republic
Na Ladech 125/6, 250 92 Šestajovice
Phone: +420 286 584 553
Mobile: +420 777 010 100
Regional Sales Manager

Flavio Taddia
Regional Sales Manager, Italy
Via Croce Coperta 15, 40128 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 4192799
Mobile: +39 335 5740370
SVP Sales

Gian Anestis Avraam
VP International Sales & Business Development, Italy
Via Croce Coperta 15, 40128 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 4192611
Technical Support

Vladimír Šimon
Technical Support, Czech Republic
Na Ladech 125/6, 250 92 Šestajovice
Phone: +420 286 584 553
Mobile: +420 775 909 929
QA Bowling spol sr.o.
Na Ladech 125/6 250 92 Šestajovice Phone: +420 286 584 553 Fax: + 420 286 891 355 Czech Republic

QubicaAMF Europe S.p.A.
Via della Croce Coperta 15 Bologna Italy

QubicaAMF Worldwide
8100 AMF Drive Mechanicsville, VA USA