1st Bowling World Cup International Masters Country 8e6690f7db994697871ff2e26d4d7f4a City Dublin Year 1965 Definitions Insert a list of definitions. Session Id Squad * From game * To game * Gender Final phase rules Lanes to read Write here, one per lines all the lanes interval we should download when call conqueror API (like: lanes=1-20&) lanes=1-12& Worldcup timezone Europe/London Worldcup center ID Useful for scores update Worldcup start date 10/1/65 Men tournament ID Women tournament ID Worldcup logo No image CSS QR, TOP24, TOP8 CSS Finals CSS Final Standings Live links Insert a list of links for live informations (like streaming, scoring, results) Title * Url * Social links Insert a list of links to the main social networks for this Bowling World Cup Social network Url * Lead Image No image Lead Image Caption Settings Short name This name will be displayed in the URL. 1st-bowling-world-cup Contents There are currently no items in this folder.
1st Bowling World Cup International Masters Country 8e6690f7db994697871ff2e26d4d7f4a City Dublin Year 1965 Definitions Insert a list of definitions. Session Id Squad * From game * To game * Gender Final phase rules Lanes to read Write here, one per lines all the lanes interval we should download when call conqueror API (like: lanes=1-20&) lanes=1-12& Worldcup timezone Europe/London Worldcup center ID Useful for scores update Worldcup start date 10/1/65 Men tournament ID Women tournament ID Worldcup logo No image CSS QR, TOP24, TOP8 CSS Finals CSS Final Standings Live links Insert a list of links for live informations (like streaming, scoring, results) Title * Url * Social links Insert a list of links to the main social networks for this Bowling World Cup Social network Url * Lead Image No image Lead Image Caption Settings Short name This name will be displayed in the URL. 1st-bowling-world-cup Contents There are currently no items in this folder.