
APRIL - 2024 | Technological Revolution comes to Lehigh Lanes

Cape Coral Breeze covers the story of Lehigh Lanes, a landmark of fun for more than 60 years in Lehigh Acres, undergoing a massive renovation that will put the center on the cutting edge of the latest pinsetter technology in the bowling industry.

Recently, the center has undertaken a massive renovation to implement cutting-edge QubicaAMF EDGE String Pinsetters, which are approved by the USBC and represent the latest innovation in the industry. The owners, Chris Keane and Dennis Bush, initially had reservations about the new pinsetters, but any doubts were quickly dispelled after using them. The installation of these new systems replaced the old AMF 82-70 mechanical pinsetters, enhancing both the reliability and the overall bowling experience at the center.


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QubicaAMF is the largest and most innovative bowling equipment provider in the world with 600 employees worldwide. We build and modernize more bowling entertainment centers than any other company in the industry and have an installed base of more than 10,000 centers in 90 countries. The company has a sales and distribution network with worldwide reach and maintains the largest R&D team for electro-mechanical products, software, electronics, and entertainment systems in the industry.

QubicaAMF has over 100 years of experience and can provide the perfect combination of bowling equipment, products, and services for new or existing bowling entertainment centers, FECs, Cinemas, or any other facility in the hospitality, retail, or restaurant industry. Our ongoing mission is Making Bowling Amazing. We are convinced that bowling has so much more potential to attract and entertain even more people. With our products, we will help our customers fully unleash that potential.

The company has U.S. headquarters in Richmond, Virginia and European headquarters in Bologna, Italy.