QubicaAMF Research Study

Scoring & Pinfall Behavior of EDGE String vs Free-Fall Machines

Maybe you’re skeptical about the buzz regarding the many benefits of string pinspotters. We understand.

The study was conducted in a real-world tournament format1 using a combination of experienced sport league bowlers and elite professional bowlers. A bowler rotation process ensured each bowler played an equal number of games between QubicaAMF EDGE String machines and free-fall machines. All controllable variables were kept the same, only changing the pinspotting machine between EDGE String and free-fall. Scoring data was collected through the tournament management system within Conqueror X. Additionally, a brief written survey of participants was conducted, along with interviews of a subset of participants.

After 65 bowlers, with 20 years competitive experience on average, bowled 671 games between EDGE String and free-fall (half of the games were bowled on EDGE String and half on free-fall machines) the overall average score in free-fall was 203.4 and 204.7 on EDGE String...

1 QubicaAMF “Some Strings Attached” tournament, July 25-26, 2020, HeadPinz Entertainment Center, Naples, FL, USA.


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